Wow, thank you so much, Cindy!! Honestly, you
guys are the *best* and it was so heartwarming
(is that too cheesey a word? ^_~) to come home
from another hellish day at work and read your
posts!! You guys -- *tears, huggles lot*
Hey, girl, no wheedlin' needed!! I have some cels
planned for you already - one you know, the rest
will be a suprise ^_~ Neheheh ^^; But there's
plenty of sinful yet delicious Frost kyodai
goodness for all, and heck, I say spread the
temptations around! *drools on favorite baddie
brother duo*
Here's a samplin for ya's! I did this one awhile
ago, and my friend Lee saw it and immediately
started pawing at him, whining "Want, want-" (can
ya blame her? Stripping Olba goooo~d) So I let
her take him home. 'Course I can't believe I let
some other woman have my bare-naveled baby. *_*
Again, THANK YOU Cindy!! THANK YOU Kea-chan!!
*glomps pair to death* You guys are the absolute
bestest!! *^__^*
Love n' friends,
~ keeper |