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My other favorite... (Thu Aug 29 21:05:43 2002 )
nokorukaichou [View profile ]

because she is just the nicest, sweetest and most 
considerate person I know has to be you, darling. 
This is the amazing person who surprised the hell 
out of me several weeks ago with an exquisite CCD 
OP fancel. I will be buried with that cel. I can 
never, ever thank you enough for it. *smooch* 
I've been following your work for a while and 
it's stunning to see your talent and skill grow 
by leaps and bounds. There is such passion in 
your work, especially your GX cels, since I know 
how close to your heart they are.

But I haven't even gotten to show my latest 
acquisitions. A steamy Earthian fancel, a 
positively sinful GX fancel, and this delight, an 
artbook image of my three favorite boys. 

Keeper, I love you dearly. I could not ask for a 
better friend, in or out of the cel community.


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