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*gives Drac more to read*..... (maybe). (Fri Aug 30 04:41:17 2002 )
spinizuey nli [View profile ]

Sorry I'm so late in the thread... 

Even though there are a lot of talented fancel 
artists out there. I would take a look closely at 
each artist's creations as well as ask them if 
they *know* the character(s) you want done. A 
fancel artist that likes/knows your character is 
going to do better than someone who is either 
unfamiliar or doesn't like the character. 
ESPECIALLY when they come up with an original 
pose. I draw original poses for characters all 
the time... but I choose a pose that suits their 
personality best. (I would never draw shido 
lounging on the beach with a margarita..)


I recently had some fancels commisioned, and it 
was a tough choice to make. I not only looked 
closely at their lining and painting skills, but 
the materials used as well. I actually *paint* 
fancels on occasion.. so i'm very picky as an 

This was commisioned by Niisan.com. But like 
someone else said, I don't know how well they 
could do original work. 
You could always have someone else draw you an 
original drawing, and then have it painted by a 
fancel artist. Two choices I know.. but it might 
result in a better product :D


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