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Re: Some things are just not meant to happen :( (Mon Sep 23 17:45:47 2002 )
nesuferit [View profile ]

I'm very sorry to hear that something like that
happened to your cel ;(
I have had a few cases where my cels have almost
been damaged by the post office.  To my horror,
one cel they bent in half to shove into the mail
box, luckily they did not fold it and it did not
get damaged.  
My sister ordered a pencil board and they had bent
that in half too, in order to get it in the mail
In both instances above, the packages said do not
bend or fold on them.  What makes it worse is that
we live in an apartment and I am always afraid
that they will do that again, the post office here
is very bad at damaging/losing things.  I usually
request that the cel dealer put the cel in a small
fitting flat box.

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