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Re: Is this fair? (Mon Oct 28 08:03:55 2002 )
Xanthix [View profile ]

Well, Celga's policies on needing a deposit before bidding 
and what happens if someone with a deposit bids before you are 
very clear on their website. I don't know if I like the rule 
that even if a second-in-line person bids a higher amount than 
the first person, they will stick with the first bid, but it is 
their rule. Unfortunately, bidding through a deputy takes 
more time and patience and planning than with eBay or Amazon, 
so it's not really something you can do overnight to win a 
particular auction. It took me awhile to figure out how a 
deputy worked, and weeks before I won an auction with them. 
Maybe your dad would give you like a $50 deposit with Celga for 
Christmas, and then you could surf Yahoo Japan until you won 
something with it?


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