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this is silly, not getting anyone mad at me (Thu Jun 23 02:44:01 2005 )
not using my name for this [View profile ]

I use Nick and so do all the people who are 
defending him. I am not using my name because we 
all know he might hold a grudge. I just want to 
know why Nick's garbage spills over here and why 
do people always kiss his ass. Pep girl leave us 
the heck alone and Nick if anyone wants your 
side you and your support group can go to your 
site and get your version. Why do we create a 
freaking circus here. Anyone who has anything to 
say on the matter take it over to Nick's circus. 
Anyone who has a problem with Nick and wants to 
bring it here I say we ignore them. If anyone 
wants the real story they will go to Nick's sire 
anyways to see first hand. Let's end it. This 
site is slow enough as it is without having to 
skip through garbage.

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