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Shame on you both (Thu Jun 23 01:34:57 2005 )
TokyoMan [View profile ]

From what I am reading you are both babies. 
Peppy there was nothing wrong with what you 
wrote to SMJ and yes they didn't want to deal 
with the question and deleted it which is wrong. 
But deal with it, businesses do screwy stuff all 
the time, I don't spam forums about it. Just the 
other day I bought a CD player from a company 
and the thing looked like trash and had a used 
CD in it. I took it back and not only did they 
not believe me but they charged me 10 bucks for 
not returning the styrophone that they say came 
with it. I was sooo mad. Did I bother other 
people about my crap, no! Look around for 
another Deputy service, theres great ones out 
there. I will NOT refer you to mine because you 
might make me look bad but you can google some. 
I think peppy you are mad because people aren't 
getting that you just wanted to ask a question. 
Someone who replied before me gave an answer of 
why an email costs too much money. It is not the 
email issue upsetting you, it is that the 
company itself didnt answer it but alientated 
you. I understand what happened. Hopefully this 
will give you the peace of mind to move on that 
someone understood your side so you can put this 
to rest. Do not count on others to fight your 
battles. How old are you out of curiousity?

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