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Well... (Sun Dec 29 13:40:55 2002 )
jcaliff [View profile ]

If I were you I'd ask Jason at Rubberslug, but it 
may be that's the trade-off you make for having a 
Rubberslug page.  After all, it's meant to be 
user-friendly, but unfortunately I think it's a 
little too friendly.  You know, like that guy at 
the store who's so interested in what you're 
buying and follows you around trying to get you 
to talk to him, especially when you can tell 
he's "yopparai" (yopparai is Drunk in Japanese) 
and you wish he would just leave you alone.  
Okay, maybe not THAT friendly.  ^_-  I've played 
with it, and made a little page.  But honestly, 
if I were to try to upload even a percentage of 
my cels it'd take a lifetime that I don't have.  

Anyway, your other option as far as I can tell is 
to learn html, program your own pages, get a 
site, and then you can batch upload using the FTP 
program of your choice.  I do most of the work 
offline, and yes, it takes a while, but uploading 
doesn't take all that long.

On a different note, you want to know what drives 
me batty?  The way all RS sites reload every 
element on a page every time you look at it, even 
when you just hit the back button.  It takes 
FOREVER!  I wish it could at least remember the 
banner images and stuff.  :-(


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