Tonite I began uploading to my new Rubberslug cel
gallery. It tooks essentially the whole evening
(7:00 to 11:00) to upload the 21 cels and
commentary for one series, and to get everything
into the right order. I'm exhausted. By my
reckoning, that makes me only about 7% done.
Yikes! At this rate, it's going to be 6 months
before I have the gallery complete and ready to
view. There's gotta be a better way to do this.
Isn't there? I hope.....
Admittedly, this was my first time doing this,
and I'll get more practiced at it. However, MOST
of the time was spent watching the little spinner
on Internet Explorer, while my PC and the network
and the servers all chatted with each other. No
amount of practice will speed up that.
In an ideal world, there would be a PHP or ASP
script at the Rubberslug end of the wire, to
which I could feed a text file containing the
series, name, and image file for each cel. I
could start that running and go away for a few
hours, and when it was done I'd just have to
fiddle with the details and the order of the cels.
I don't think that there's any such server script
at Rubberslug, so is there any other tricks that
you folks can tell me that will speed this
process up? Can I work in 2 or 3 "add cel"
windows at one time without corrupting my
gallery? Any other ideas?