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He IS selling bootlegs, and here's proof... (Sun Dec 29 18:53:19 2002 )
Lizzard (nli) [View profile ]

Though most of his scans cut off the part with the
company name, there are a few he missed. For
example, this scan, at the bottom, clearly shows
the Ever Anime label.


Moreover, he is selling two Sailor Moon CDs that
are available ONLY on bootleg. They actually don't
exist in "legitimate" form, as they were
compilations created by Son May. Those two CDs are
the Complete Vocal Collection Volume 1 and Volume
2. (The cover images are stolen from other,
legitimate Sailor Moon releases -- a game music CD
and a SuperS CD, if memory serves).

Maybe he has some legitimate releases in there --
there's no way to tell without going through every
single item in person, since the scans aren't
complete. But he DEFINITELY has some bootlegs
there. Based on that, and his suspiciously low
prices, I'd say his CD/DVD stock is probably 
entirely grey.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

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