hi and thank you for welcome!
i checked and the email address was correct.
It is invisigoth_78@hotmail.com.
I sent you an email <_<;..I hope it was the
correct address, now I cannot remember if I type
".net" or ".com".....well hopefully you get it.
If you like Fluffysama (Seshoumaru) I just post
another cel I did of him after the message by alex.
And Im sorry, I don't have website yet
e__e;;...as I said before, I usually do
promotional cels at work and I have only been
doing anime fan cel for 3 weeks XD. But they have
all been very popular. I do this is my spare time
after work. I prefer commissions because I get to
work with people and make sure they're happy ^^.
Hope you got my email!