We're actually very friendly to fancels here when
people honestly put effort into making sure the
images aren't copies of other cels. . . And we
especially like fancels when the artist puts a
lot of time and effort into making an original
drawing of the character!! ^_^
That looks like a beautiful cel! ^_^
But although no one has gotten in trouble, it is
technically illegal to sell fancels since the
fancel artist does not own the character they are
painting. But it isn't enforced by anyone (not as
of now) and I think it won't be so long as people
act responsibly. . . And it sounds like you are
acting responsibly. *^_^*
After showing that beautiful Sesshoumaru cel, I
am sure people will now start to ask you if you
take on commissions. ^_~~
Many Sharp Smiles,