Actually, there are two artists with "Forky's
Anime" (Forky and Spoony - they have a
commercial 'commission-me' site at Geocities now)
but I don't know who does the majoritiy of the
I do know at least one of them (if not both) do
steal cel images from sites to copy for profit.
They did one of my Schuldig cels (Requiem aka
Gwen pointed it out right after I won the REAL
one from eBay) and a Quatre that is on one of the
dealers sites (I think Anime Chaos, maybe).
I don't think "fancel_hater" bidding to end their
ridiculously high-priced auctions, emailing them
or anything else would do much good. Both girls
are very childish and thick-headed; they don't
take negative comments very well. >.<
Although I enjoy painting fancels, too, I agree
with everyone's frustrations with
commercial "artists" (like you can even call them
that) who only do it for the money...
I think situations like this is one big viscious
circle which will never end. What can ya do, heh?
~ Heather :) |