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Selling or "Quitting" doesn't make you bad, per se (Fri Jun 6 09:36:49 2003 )
japester [View profile ]


This is something that several people have touched 
on, and I think my post may have been unclear.  
People changing their priorities according to 
circumstance, age, etc. is natural.  What we value 
fluctuates throughout our lives.

What I *do* consider annoying is the folks that 
yell and scream about how important a cel or 
collection is only to decide a month later that 
they don't want anything to do with cels any more. 
 (And perhaps a few months after that they are 
right back to screaming about their cels again.  
^_^)  We've all seen this.  Or the related example 
of somebody who is having a mad sale to buy the 
wishlist cel they found, then they sell that same 
cel a short while later because of ANOTHER 
wishlist cel, and again.......heh.

I don't think these examples are from mature folks 
that are experiencing a major life change.  These 
are fickle kids.  Every cel is a tragedy or a 
triumph (and the roles can switch from week to 
week).  Moderation is unknown to these folks.  
Everything is black or white, hot or cold.  (I'm 
chuckling and thinking of "Dexter's Lab" where in 
each episode he proclaims he has just built his 
"greatest invention!!!")

Is this attitude exclusive to cel collectors?  
Heck no!  You can see it in any hobby.  But I 
think cels can really bring out the worst in these 
kinds of people.


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