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Poll: Can Cels Be Taken Too Seriously? (Thu Jun 5 18:07:29 2003 )
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Hey Everybody, this is a question that I've been 
wanting to ask for quite some time.  Is it 
possible that one can take collecting cels way 
too seriously?  My answer is "yes".  I've been 
collecting cels for about five years now and it 
seems that this form of passtime has grown 
amazingly. As I scroll through various galleries 
I find that there are many who almost seem to 
allow what is to be considered a "hobby" to 
initially be life-ruling.  In speaking with 
miscellaneous cel collectors online I've 
encountered quite a bit who carry the attitude 
of "Not Selling!  Don't Even Ask!" or "Never 
selling even if I'm on death's door, will be 
buried with these cels"  Well, I can certainly 
understand not wanting to part with something 
that is considered rare and precious.  But uh, I 
can't say that there are any one of my cels that 
I want to be buried with.  Though I realize this 
is only an expression to convey a point on the 
part of the gallery ownder, it's still very 
radical in it's use of extreme words.  One 
person I spoke to was even willing to forfeit 
their daughter's dentist appointment because of 
the potential of cutting back the means needed 
to purchase a specific cel.  That seemed like a 
very unusual and surprising response being as 
people who have other hobbies would actually be 
willing to sell any specific part of their 
collection in order for a child to be able to 
receive the proper attention they need (dentist, 
doctor, school supplies, etc.).  So, is it 
really worth sacrificing (important) aspects of 
one's life for something as material as a piece 
of acetate?  I'm not sure but I have the feeling 
that some

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