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Recommend Anime (Thu Jun 5 05:06:55 2003 )
HotIce Hilda [View profile ]

Sorry, I didn't mean to make it a good or bad 
question...  (though, now that I look @ it, it is 
almost bound to become one.)Just a what would you 
recommend to someone who's pretty new into 
anime.   Whether it's popular or not doesn't 
matter to me.  Just a general consensus on what 
other people like, so I have a basis on where to 
go next.  B/C - I had watched everything that I 
had heard was good from friends, and was kinda in 
a rut.

Anyways, thanks for the advise about the Cel 
Gallaries, I will definately take a look and see 
what anime people are collecting from.  It seems 
like a much more obvious and/or easier suggestion 
now that you have mentioned it.

Thanks as well for your opinion on "Beserk,"  
I've been looking @ it in the vidoe store for a 
month now... not willing to pay the $4-5 per DVD 
to rent yet.  If one person thinks it's good, I'm 
willing to try it.  Almost anything medieval I've 
liked since I was really young, and that's mostly 
what drew me to "Beserk" in the first place.  
I'll rent the first one next time I'm @ the video 
store... then I'll let ya know what I think. ^_^

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