Hello... I'm pretty new to anime, though I've
seen a handful of stuff, and I was just wondering
what you all would recommend to watch... here's
what I've seen already.
Ghost in the Shell
Spirited Away
Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT
Castle in the Sky
Ninja Scrolls
Kenshin TV series
Samauri X movie
Outlaw Star <-- my FAV. (if its not obvious by my
name) ^_^
Cowboy Bebop <- in the process of buying all the
Inu Yasha
Escaflowne the movie
X the movie
I know there's more I'm fogetting but... I'd
really like to watch more good anime, so I'd just
like some of your suggestions. I've seen alot of
stuff in my video store, but I'm not sure if its
any good... like the Beserk series - It looks
good, but I don't want to waste money renting all
the DVD's if it sucks... ya know? Thanks for
any and all suggestions! :)