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HAH!! You see? I'm not alone!! (Thu Jul 17 21:57:04 2003 )
evilminion [View profile ]

I'm not the only weirdo who wants to know what
happened to all the damn anime man-nipples!


And Brian, at least I'm not disappointing you in
my oddness, right?  ;)  You've known all along
that I was the random element in any gathering.

Annnnnnnd since this has turned into a show-me,
aaaannnnnnnnnnd since I wanted a public
opportunity to say a huge THANK YOU to Kathy for
running me a lovely copy of her production
background for this sequence, I would like to
present the following newly-titled piece of
production art:

"Dark Schneider, gazing pensively into the starry
night and wondering where the hell his nipples went."

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