it's still gross and against god and nature
now I can see where you can say it's against
god, but against nature??? there is nothing
unnatural about being gay, no more than baing
straight. It's not a choice you just make it's a
form of life. It's not like gay people go, oh I
think I'm gonna be gay from now it's just so much
more fun >.< People can't help who they fall in
love with, and they shouldn't be condemned if
they fall for someone of their own sex. Love is
love there is nothing wrong or unnatural about it.
even though the bible does have references to
some gay stuff, it's not really condoned.
Oi, Oi, The Bible, now there's a book that has
made a lot of people lives a living hell, ironic
ain't it? Somewhere in there it also says sex is
for reproduction and not pleasure HA! how many
people only have sex when they wanna get pregnant
>.< I personally don't know anybody like that.
(("Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with
womankind," says Lev. 18:22, for "it is
abomination." Lying with womankind--that is,
reproducing--was the first of God's laws)) That
is one of the main reasons the bible "condemnes"
gays, isnt it?, it's is nothing more than a waste
of seed, it says, blah, blah, blah, it's not like
they are going to run out, or maybe in those days
they thought they would o.O
and if it is so condemned why does the bible even
mention acts of love between same gender
Ruth and Naomi
"Where you go I will go, and where you stay I
will stay. Your people will be my people and your
God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I
will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it
ever so severely, if anything but death separates
you and me."
David and Jonathan
"I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother; you were
very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful,
more wonderful than that of women."
I think the thing find the most amusement out of,
is the priest of those times that preached the
bible till they were blue in the face, had their
own pretty boys, oh I'm sorry ahem slave boys,
that they kept around in their temples for
extracuricular activites, and what of all the
lords of that time who did the same thing >.< You
know the thing that I don't get the most is that
now that it is for love it's more condemned than
ever, but then when it was just to get your
jollies off they just ignored it and pretended it
didn't even happen. I don't get that!
I'm sorry if I got a little more offended by that
than is "normal" but my best friend is gay and I
just learned to be prepared to defend him against
bible thumpers and homophob's and just make them
eat their words.
Not to mention my fave anime couple Quatre and
Trowa of Gundam Wing is gay, and some of my fave
anime's deal with homosexuality ie. Gravitation,
Yami no Matsui...
Does it mean I prefer to watch 2 boys kissing
over a boy and a girl, NO! my second fave anime
couple is Heero and Relena(hence my name)
aaanyways I think I rambled more than enough
Relena Yui |