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Yes, I do agree that does add a whole new angle to it. . . (Fri Aug 8 04:01:58 2003 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


I kind of purposefully avoided the whole friends 
angle, only because the original poster didn't 
specifically mention it. But it is another very 
valid part of the decision. However, I wonder if 
people consider that separately when making their 
choices or if it only serves as heavy influence 
on the choice that gets made.

I also have a list I've kept of people who have 
shown great interest in one or another of my 
cels, and those would be the people I would 
contact first if I were to sell the cels in 
question. They would not only have an easier time 
of getting me to sell the cel than someone I 
didn't know, but they'd have the biggest chance 
of getting said cels at my cost. Often, selling 
to someone I know is nicer since I can more 
directly see the person's enjoyment of the cel, 
or I more truly know how pleased they feel about 
the cel simply because I know them so well. ^_^

I especially appreciate selling to people I know 
and just *knowing* how much they like the cel, 
since I know that when people sell to me, it can 
be hard for them to tell how much I like the cel. 
Only for a few do I do a lot of crowing online. 
My ways of being excited about a cel are scanning 
it in, playing with the scan 1000 ways to make it 
look just exactly like the real thing (only to 
huff and declare the scan "close enough but no 
comparison"), then to stare at it more and 
rearrange three entire cel books because it 
simply *HAS* to be next to this certain other cel 
which compliments it perfectly, and so on and so 
forth. . . and if it has unstuck layers of any 
kind, I won't be seen for an hour as I decide how 
best to bag it to both keep it separate and 
disply it at the same time. But of course, none 
of this playing can be seen online, so only my 
friends (and usually ones that live near me) get 
to see this bizarre behavior of mine. ^_^;

I guess that's the extra, hidden bonus of selling 
to a friend. ^_^

Many Sharp Smiles,

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