Well, just to be clear, I'd like to point out
that just because someone is willing to pay more
than you would have been willing to, doesn't mean
they want it more than you do. People have
different means after all and different sense of
what they believe is a livable price. However,
you might have other reasons/feelings for
believing this person wants the item more than
you do.
You still are pretty attached to the item
though. Unless the person is close to me, I
usually let my own attachment to the item decide
whether I will sell/trade or not. I don't try to
compare my want for the item with the other
person's absolutely. There's no way to tell for
sure. (Also, while this probably doesn't apply
to your cases... I've seen some situations where
a person has acted as if the other item was an
absolute dream... but the dream faded quickly
after they got the item and they ended up
I would give the offer due consideration, but if
I really didn't want to sell it, I wouldn't. I
have traded/sold things in the past to friends
who I felt 'wanted' them more... but because they
were my close friends and I knew them and knew
how much they wanted it, I -wanted- to sell it to