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Re: new rubberslug galleries: cels, or no cels at all? (Sun Aug 10 00:49:55 2003 )
nesuferit nli [View profile ]

I've seen a lot of them recently too.  As for this
particular gallery I do not think that they own
any of the cels that they have listed.  They have
created other rs galleries and their galleries
were deleted.  It seems like they are bound and
determined and they keep trying.  One particular
cel that I know isn't theirs is a fancel they had
the nerve to steal from someone elses rs gallery
(I emailed the owner to let them know).  

It looks like they were deleted again, but they
will probably just end up making another gallery.
 I think I have seen at least 3 or more just from
them.  What few cels that they do have listed I
swear I have seen in other galleries (I know I
have seen the Kurama somewhere else).

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