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Yay, I think I win! (Wed Aug 20 14:54:51 2003 )
Baakay (still nli) [View profile ]

Yes! So far it seems that not even the wizened, 
creaking Kymaera is older than me.  I forgot to 
add the requisite "46 in 6 weeks" qualifier to my 

I finally broke down and dyed the hair last 
weekend, as I'm tired of being told what lovely 
grandchildren I have.  It's gonna be a long dang 
time till I'm a grammie, thanks (they're ages 5 
and 8, cute as heck and MINE!).  So now I'm a 
redhead librarian going through a very definite 
midlife crisis.  

I started collecting in 2000 when I broke my knee 
and the aforementioned Kymaera, a former MUD-
buddy and self-appointed Kay-torturer, started 
pestering me to watch anime.  Found a really 
pretty cel of Green Diva and the Bugrom on eBay --
sold by Melissa, no less :-) which I still own 
and love.

The spousal unit encouraged me to buy more 
because I really loved them.  He probably wishes 
he hadn't.  We coulda gotten the kitchen 
remodeled by now!! 

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