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wheeeeeeee (Wed Aug 20 04:50:58 2003 )
spinizuey nli [View profile ]

These kind of polls are always fun. It's funny 
how often I make assumptions. For instance, I had 
no idea that jINx was that age, nor did I know 
that LadyBrick was going to school for fine 
arts/writing. It really brings the screen names 
to life :)!

(I even met Fireye at Otakon... whom I'd always 
asumed was female... whoops... ((gomen fireye!)) 

Anyways, about me:

23 in Oct, Female, I sell shoes by the sea shore. 
Nah, not by the sea shore - cuz i'm in Michigan, 
but I do sell shoes. I'm also a student, studying 
to be a secondary art teacher. 

My first cel, technically, was an FY OVA cel of 
Hotohori for $150. The cel now resides in my cel 
friend's collection. :) Funny how it worked out 
that way. I started collecting in June of 2001, 
but have slown down significantly since this past 
May.    (Tip: Don't check "keep track", "YJ", 
or "ebay", and you'll save a lot of money!)


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