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Re: Just Curious, Where Everyone From and What Job u got? (Wed Aug 20 08:33:29 2003 )
gai [View profile ]

- Southern California
- 25
- male
- software intern (former junior netadmin, 
webmaster, law clerk, marketing guy)

First cel was a freebie El Hazard cel of Makoto 
(still in my possession for sentimental value), 
courtesy of my anime club.  Didn't really start 
collecting though until AX 2000, when I bought 
another El Hazard cel for a Guest-Of-Honor to 
sign (that's now framed).  Didn't really get 
serious about collecting until about a year 
after that.

Oh, I probably will be adding some more good 
stuff on sale pretty soon as well as lower some 
prices on my sales page.  If you don't want 
someone else to get a cel you're interested in, 
now's a good time to talk with me.

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