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Re: I DO NOT second THIS opinion (Tue Oct 28 20:25:30 2003 )
munch [View profile ]

I wish to stress if have been fortunate not to
encounter any unpleasant experiences with Keigo,
you are indeed blessed! You may not realize this
but, there are MANY clients whom he has driven
away due to his arrogant and difficult demeanor.
If you contend, it is his company so he can be as
much of an ass of he so chooses, then you are also
correct; however, that does not mean I need to
subject myself to such abuse. I will gladly take
my business elsewhere where it’s appreciated and I
do not have to deal with such egotism and
questionable professional ethnics. As someone
said, your mileage may indeed vary. Lastly,
remember for all the good stories you hear about
Celga do bear in mind there is truth in the
warnings and unpleasant experiences people like
myself are sharing with you. There are extremely
valid reasons why people do continue to experience
problems with Keigo specifically, just think keep
it in mind if you decide to use his DS. 

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