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Re: Need help! Did I get screwed over by Anime Chaos? (Fri Oct 31 18:40:44 2003 )
Sky Rat [View profile ]


Well, haven't experience with Anime Chaos yet, 
but just thought I'd comment on the bid incriment 
First the bids are required to go up by a set 
incriment, so the resulting increase does not 
always reflect the exact amount the second 
highest bidder bid.

Also, I personally never bid by incriments like 
01, because well, most people know that 
trick....I usually go by a more random number 
like 57.... maybe, their real max was 29,901, but 
they upped it to 29,999 in csae someone else had 
also bid 29,901? True, this still seems a strange 
amout to bid. I'm just sort of musing to 

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