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High-end CCS cels are definitely on the rise. (Sun Dec 21 04:21:10 2003 )
sensei [View profile ]

Any week in which CCS cels cracked the 300,000 
yen barrier twice leaves little to doubt on that 
front.  Plus, as I noted, some cels that I got 
earlier this year for under 10,000 yen now are 
starting at 20,000 yen and getting bids at once.

Now the low-end will probably stay where it is, 
in the 1500 to 6000 yen range, so far as I can 
see.  But it does seem like people are paying 
real investment prices for the really heart-
stopping top-of-the-line cels, suggesting that, 
at least for some series, they are willing to buy 
at 300,000 and hoping 5 years from now to sell at 
1,000,000.  Maybe so ...

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