> I did not even mention anything about cels from
> the crappy new series
No cels, it's CG.
> The prices have increased within the past two
> half years, considering the time period IMO it
> is not "sudden".
I go to japanese events and convention regularly.
Around 3-4 times a year. I don't buy only on Yahoo
auction. And I can tell you it was suddent :
Between 2 trips to Japan (no more than 4 months),
cels that were _not_ selling (except if I bought
them myself :) for 4000 yen, were suddenly selling
for 40000 yen. And yes, I am speaking of opening
cels of Mia : There were whole bunches of them and
nobody was buying at 4000 yen because nobody was
Even on Yahoo, it happened very fast, right after
the TV serie was released. Yes, it started with
cheap cels that suddenly became much more
expensive. And seeing that, a few collectors, me
included, started to sell some of the really good
ones and/or opening.
If that's not "sudden" enough, I don't know what
> Most things were cheaper years ago
I don't speak of years. I speak of a quick (over a
few months), big increase (several time the price)
of price.
Perhaps you didn't understand but nobody wanted
cels of Dangaioh before the TV serie was released.
As for BGC OVAs cels, they were always expensive.
And they are now actualy cheaper than they were at
one time : There was a time when you wouldn't see
a cel of Vision staying in a dealer inventory.
It's not the case anymore.
I really don't see why Dangaioh is not an example
of prices raising because some collectors got
interested in a follow-up/spinoff of the serie.
Yann Stettler |