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Rinkya...you gotta love 'em.............. (Wed Apr 21 07:57:47 2004 )
Cel Addict (nli) [View profile ]

Sorry to hear about your stint with Rinkya. Douga 
and Genga have always been  directly related to 
cels. Without the douga and/or genga thee would 
be no cels. To hear about a deputy service that 
charges higher fees for douga and genga is down 
right pathetic and just wrong to boot!

 It is ridiculous to have a "sale" (still higher 
fees than most deptuy servies) to only apply to 
cels. What difference would it make to not have 
their "sale" apply to douga and genga? They both 
weight about the same, they both cost the same to 
ship.....Hmmm?  Well, sorry to hear about your 
problem. At least you learned earlier than most 
about Rinkya and their ideas of "business"

 Take Care,

 - Cel Addict

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