Sorry to hear about your loss. I have a
suggestion. At one point I thought my post
office lost a package (my post office is a main
center). Anyway, I went to get an EMS delivery
(had both notices for 2 attempts at delivery) and
they said it wasn't there. I zoomed back to my
house (the same day) hoping that the postman may
have taken it again out on the run. Luckily he
was still in the area (I had already checked and
noticed that it wasn't at my house) and asked him
about the package. He remembered it and said
that he didn't place those packages where they
normally go and that he put it in a place called
the "REG ROOM". Apparently this is where they
put registered mail and sometimes the EMS stuff
goes in there. Maybe you could ask your post
office to check their REG ROOM. Good luck |