Hobby Links Japan...your source for Garage kits,
models, and othe rlimited edition items. Goemon
was part of garage run...(no, he's not a resin
model...garage kit is a term used for
availability and not for type of item, generally
^^ They just happen to tend to be models more
often than not)
Garage kits (Kotobukiya, Wave, Volks, Max
Factory, B-Club, etc.):
Most garage kits are like flowers -- beautiful
for a moment, but then gone forever. These firms
hold some stock of their own, but it is often of
the less-popular items. Shipments of popular kits
are often pre-sold completely even before they
leave the manufacturer. Most kits only have
production runs of 500-1,000 pieces to begin
with. In addition, these companies are usually
too busy producing new items to do another
production run of older items. Garage kits more
than 18 months past initial release are almost
always impossible to find. If you're serious
about Japanese garage kit modeling, you should
get Hobby Japan as soon as possible after
publishing in addition to watching our pages
Goemon was a Medicom doll. They still have him at
HLJ, HOWEVER, note that this does not mean they
actually HAVE HIM in stock. It means, the last
time they had to find the doll for someone, it
was is quite possible I was the
last person to purchase the doll ^^;; Their
process is that you order, and then they go
around and look for it for you. If they can't
find it, it's pronounced no longer available. So,
basically, they only update when they have to,
and you have to wait -forever- for him to arrive.
I got my guy six months after the fact ^^;; But
he was worth it :D