Misha, This was your order in the first place.
So you should know the "rough" amount and
such shouldn't you ??
This is going to be my last post on the subject.
1) Order goes through over 3 months ago.
2) Payment is sent.
3) Payment doesn't arrive.
4) She explains her situation, I agree to give
her more time.
5) Second payment is sent.
6) If doesn't arrive.
7) I email her stating if it doesn't arrive within 7
days the order will be cancelled.
You don't really expect me to wait another 3
months do you ?
Sorry Misha I really don't know why you even
posted to the forum, First maybe you/she
try emailing me (Or is her email playing up
:: Yes if the money order is not received in the
time I have given her the order will be
cancelled, Waiting another 3 months is not an
option. I am NOT asking her to resend a new
I am stating If the second one doesn't
arrive the order is cancelled. And Yes being
person I sometimes am chances are I will
allow a little more time than seven days.
Now any one who feels I am the BAD guy feel
free to flame me.