Thanks a lot! That made me think clearly and to
furthermore, let others know. I don't know why
someone thinks this is a personal attack on Deb.
I love Deb and will not stop buying from her. I
never even-none of us came down on her or
mentioned her name in the post. I accidently
posted the wrong cel image with her name and
never even wanted to let others know who it was
so the seller could be protected, but by my
mistake I even posted a later post saying that I
didn't hate her. This whole thread has been about
packagng things and well, we all think some ways
are better than others, mostly when it happens to
you, you might start to think differently. I
never thought it could be bad until it happened
to me, but not once did we turn and make it a
personal attack. ALL my posts have been for help
and for others to know this did happen to me. I
just believe now that if the cel was so safe,
then this would not have happened. It doesn't
matter if the cel dealer packaged well and they
might have done so-just matters that you should
be secure in knowing what might happen to the
package when it goes through the UPS-because they
are butchers. It's not the seller's fault, but we
all can learn from what happens and maybe plan
better because we know the UPS can not be
trusted. This has been the thought through all
this, not to attack a personal one on
someonewhich if someone thinks that, it has no
proof. Mad yes, but I don't hate the seller. I
hate the UPS, but never did I come and attack her
personaly, and never would. I'm just not like
that. |