Hi Avery and all,
Having just returned home, I noticed this terribly
sad thread about the cel. As the seller, I do
feel the need to point out something. No matter
how well packaged something is, the USPS has a
knack for being able to mangle -anything-.
However, this is the first instance of a cel
getting wrecked that I have shipped (and I've
shipped probably hundreds of packages in my time
as a collector.) :( I've had boxes arrive in
soaked, torn and soiled condition, but been
fortunate enough that the cel inside was safe.
Those of you who I have dealt with, through
regular cel transactions or numerous Pocket
Partners -know- how I pack my cels. The cel is
cel bagged, slipped inside a Priority Tyvek
envelope to protect it against moisture, then
sealed inside the smaller Priority flat cardboard
box (away from the adhesive, so all you have to do
is pull the tab and slide the envelope out) and
then that flat cardboard box is placed inside the
larger cardboard Priority box which is flat. And
of course, "Do Not Bend" is marked very clearly
all over the packaging in bright permanent marker.
The outside packaging's adhesive does clamp down
on the inner cardboard mailer to secure it in
place, but it is relatively easy to pull out
because it's such heavyweight material inside, not
something bendable. Just use the pull tabs,
lengthen the opening, and slide the inside box
out. I've tried taking apart my packages several
times to test their user-friendliness. ^_^ (yes,
I am anal about my cel packaging! ^^;) This
constitutes 2 box layers on each side of stiff
cardboard to back the cel, plus two innner bags to
protect the cel in case of moisture.
In spite of all this packaging, accidents are
still possible because the USPS can be quite rough
with handling packages. Avery, I'm really
extremely sorry about what happened but I have not
had a single complaint about my packaging not
being secure enough, including yourself, as I have
sold to you before and you were quite pleased. I
feel as though your post gives off the impression
I pack without cel safety in mind. I realize
you're upset which is understandable given the
circumstances but I do disagree with your comments
about my packaging not being heavy-duty enough.
Regardless, I have contacted you through private
email to discuss the issue. You insured the
package so in that respect, you have some
recourse, though I know it's of only small
consolation as each cel has it's special value to
the collector.
To end, those who have dealt with me , I ask you,
is my packaging sound all that flimsy and
slipshod? And even if you have not dealt with me,
does double bags and double boxes sound insecure?
It's of notable concern to me if my shipping is
considered insecure as I ship out dozens of cels
in any given month. I'd like to know what others
have to say about this.
Thanks and take care, :)
- Debbye |