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Re: And additional question... (Thu Jul 12 17:40:33 2001
pale [View profile
**whips off glasses and flashes a million watt
Im a super hero. No seriously,I AM! I can turn
into ice..but its a useless talent and its
doesn't pay much. I have offered to help out at
parties but no soap..my alter identity however is
a router, I work on computers all day long and
route the delivery trucks on their paths to
customer's homes.
seriously dull stuff..I can afford cels by
avoiding phone calls from the student loan people
and the columbia hose man..which I really believe
are the same people.
Also I live in an apartment that would be
considered too small for oxygen
molecules..sometimes I have to go outside to
breathe..its FUN!!
Gods I need more sleep overtime sucks.
**how I get cel money is still cel related isn't
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