In addition, I think that this forum isn't
necessarily representative of cel collectors as a
whole. For instance, people may think that cel
collectors are mostly women from this forum... but
trying to see over the backs of many men in the
dealer's rooms at cons, I wouldn't be so sure.
Also, I've met several cel collectors who are over
30, but I don't really have a good feel for
percentage. Perhaps it's just the younger set who
finds more time to post?
Still, I look at some of the newer designs and
think "Ack! They look so young!" Some designs I
just add some age years too though because they
don't look or act their age. Luckily for me,
Knives will be older than me for a looooong time
^_~. Sadly, I'll catch up to Wolfwood sooner or
is feeling silly *^_^* |