Welcome to the Cels Forum!
If you are looking for cels, or if you have some
that you want to sell or trade, you can let a message
here for other person.
If you have questions regarding cels or want to share
your experience and knowledge on this subject, don't
hesitate to post on this board.
This is a free forum for anything related to anime cels !
If you are new to cels (and even if you aren't :), here is a small
Introduction to anime cels (technical FAQ)
Messages :
- Gallery Update (Cowboy Bebop, Narumon, Arislan, Esca..) - webdeb (Jun 20 03:17)
- Does anyone know about The Big Apple Anime Fest in NYC? - Dawn (Jun 20 03:38)
- Question about Nikaku animart - Rekka Alexiel (Jun 20 07:03)
- Card Captor Sakura cels on eBay - zenjirou (Jun 20 07:11)
- Question on Storing of Cel in Cel Bag? - chakkyx (Jun 20 09:31)
- DBZ Cel Auctions End Today (rare cels !) - misa (Jun 20 10:15)
- She shoots, she scores! - Baakay (Jun 20 13:18)
- Punch and Pie wil be served ^-^ - pale (Jun 20 14:29)
- posted Ah! My Goddess Belldandy from Movie - Hobby shop RAXA (Jun 20 16:09)
- The Banner's flashing! I WON!!! ~_~ (n/t) - (Jun 20 16:09)
- For those of you still interested in the Animate/Ryvius issue... - (Jun 20 18:09)
- What happened to "preserving the magic?" @_@ - Sonia Lai (Jun 20 18:25)
- More cels on auction - Inu-Yasha (Jun 20 18:45)
- Question about fancel paint - keeper (Jun 20 19:27)
- wholesalecels? - Jen (Jun 20 21:18)
- Does anyone know why Taro hasnt updated? - Shawnna B (Jun 20 23:53)
- New Anime Gallery Up - NinjaScroll (Jun 21 00:09)
- Made a small gallery - Rayd (Jun 21 00:32)
- Look What I got from the mail - Omega (Jun 21 01:53)
- hi im don...put some cool stuph on ebay - hi_im_don (Jun 21 02:26)
- Last Chance to Buy Cels =)... - Ms. Poe (Jun 21 02:45)
- Anyone know what happened to Ed Noonchester's site? - kaijufan (Jun 21 03:35)
- Finally got new Inu-yasha cels scanned - Inu-Yasha (Jun 21 06:04)
- Ranma 1/2 Kuno Cel on Ebay - Christina Woog (Jun 21 07:07)
- Nadesico & To Heart Cels On Ebay and MORE ANIME STUFF!!!!! - Pshu007 (Jun 21 07:40)
- CCS cel contest almost over ^o^ -5 days- - peggichu (Jun 21 07:40)
- Anime Taro Question - Meg (Jun 21 14:06)
- Some FY ebay auctions ending today - Sherry (Jun 21 18:09)
- Show me your: Gay (or lesbian, transgenered, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, trasvestite, etc) characters! =^.^= - Misha-chan (Jun 21 21:19)
- Gallery Update: Washu, Kiyone, Mihoshi, Sasami (5 TM cels), Wing Gundam (GW) - TK (Jun 21 22:50)
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