......Between the last layers of my b/g cels I do
just to store them. Theres a lot of pressure from
other cels in the book if you lay them flat
(although, there is a keen school of thought
about hanging the books)
and I dont want the last layer of cel rubbing or
pressing against the background.
Background paint is powdery like watercolor
paint..Cel paint is sticky and glossy, so the cel
paint tends to rub against the background and
make little bare spots in the powdery water color
Also,a darker colored background paint can
stain through the lighter colored cel paint, I
have an unfortunate Ranma 1/2 cel that really
should have had protection between the last layer
of cel and the background. You can see the dark
brown of the background coming through in small
spots on his face.
LIke I said I do this only to store them, I scan
all of my cels lately outside of the bags and
then put them all together again when Im done, it
gives them a nicer look ( I still have a lousy
It shouldnt make the cels too fat to store. a
single bag layer probably wont take too much more
room and really helps me sleep at night. Cel
paranoia is an awful thing.