I KNOW people have got to be getting sick
of seeing my handle right about now, if they
weren't all ready. =) [wink]
Any sort of forum can generate a lot of abuses.
Anonymity can be blamed - but can't false handles
be used in exactly the same way? (I'm sure you
agree so I'm not going to argue that point any
further and insult your intelligence, Yann. =))
The world does not revolve around cels. As a
personal hobby, it is important to keep yourself
informed, especially if there is someone who
is abusing the cel community. However, worldly
concerns always come before cels in my opinion. =)
In that light, I DO sometimes take anonymous posts
(as long as they are not based on simply flaming
someone) and go the further step: to look at the
information, make an educated opinion (often
requiring some research into the person being
discussed), and then decide where I stand in
the matter (if it relates to me).
I think a forum that was half or more of only
anonymous posts would seem rather silly... it
would make you wonder if more than one person
actually inhabited the domain =) ... but
I value the decision of others to often toss
an idea up in the air for others to pick apart
while remaining anonymous for whatever reason.
An anonymous post and a flame are in completely
different categories in my mind - it only requires
some intelligence and maturity in the mind of
the reader to discriminate between the two.
A flame by any other name would still smell
as ... well, you get the point. =)
Lady Z
(who will try very hard to stay out of the
arguments now, promise. ^.~)