Yeah well my offer of $500 just got nixed :P
Best damn Future Gohan cel I've ever seen.
(please excuse my french). The only one that even
has come close is Jamal's ^_^.
For those of you who haven't seen this episode,
it's from a flashback where Trunks remembers a
battle with the Cyborgs when he was 13 years old
(the only time Future Trunks is seen with his
sword at 13 ^_^;;). This is Gohan from that
battle. It's NOT from the "Trunks Special" (nor
from a movie, as Marc said).
Posted below is my (sucky, I know, but mine!)
Trunks cel from the same scene ^_^! (Thanks B!)
I wish he'd just auction it ;_;
misa |