I'd be willing to help price some cels, I'm sure
some other people would, too, but mind you that
if you buy a set and intend to sell off some that
you don't want to keep, I'd sell at the price you
paid and not any going "high-roller ebay rate" or
whatever - this is assuming that the Yahoo
purchase was made with the knowledge that cels in
Japan should go for *cheaper* than US rates. This
is also assuming that selling off parts of a set
is intended with recouping shipping/fees and not a
huge profit in mind. I say this because that
*does* border a distasteful reselling, and I'm
now considering Yahoo Japan as "open-source"; I'm
tired of losing sets myself, there should be an
easier way to split sets among people. ^^
Either that, or get the sellers to split the sets
into individual aucs already .. YJ listings are
probably still free for all we know .. |