Frustration comes in any business (and the cel
dealers like Usagi's House, Asylum, Animanga, etc
aren't exempt from this, even if their goods are
meant for collectors and not everyone [although
everyone can be a collector]). Reading the
early posts, I thought it was rather rude to
sound so scornful of the price (as Kenshin cels
are extremely expensive and this is a beautiful
piece), but as appologies have been made, well...
what's past is past.
Usagi's House, like several other cel dealers,
is an excellent source for cels. Plus, Heather
is a very nice person and easy to deal with...
and, like everyone else, she's human, so I can
totally understand her frustration over the
Ugh... I'm going to stop writing now because it
sounds like I'm being a kiss-up here... this is
what happens after you've been awake all night
and worked yourself to the point where you can't
think of a more intelligent word for someone
than "nice"... :P
Lady Z
(who will also probably get flamed for something
or other as she always does, but what does it
matter anyway? ^.^) |