Jeesh guys...
Usagi's House is one of the nicest places online
to buy cels, Heather is a really nice person and
a dear friend. She had every right to be
offended, because even to ~me~ it sounded like
you were insulting her. I think the posters'
apologies were good, and I can see now that it
wasn't intended to be an insult. However, the
flamers *GRRR*
It's VERY VERY frustrating for cel dealers right
now, which is why I have gotten out of it pretty
much, because of people not knowing what the HUGE
rise in cel interest has done to the cel market
in Japan.
When I was buying cels 4-5 years ago, they were
much much cheaper and I was able to let them go
at cheap prices, the same was true for Heather.
Now, to pick up an incredible cel... it's going
to cost you. The Japanese know that we love cels
and they are jacking up the prices right and
left. I know Heather and other dealers are
frustrated because buying cels now isn't worth
it, but most are TRUE fans (especially: Usagi's
House, Asylum, Anime Chaos, Nichibei,
Noonchesters, Anime Link, Animanga, and exCel)
and they want to provide these wonderful cels for
you. However, they are soooooo expensive now in
Japan that in order to make a little money of the
cels ( this IS their living, I know for a fact
that several of these dealers make their entire
income off of cel and anime good sales) they have
to charge prices that they know the customers
can't pay. But it's a vicious circle, you see?
So lay off Heather; she's frustrated and has
every right to be. WHY should she keep trying to
keep this hobby alive among USA dealers if she
gets attacked (even if it was unintentional at
You have to accept that YOU are driving the
prices up. The more people interested in cels,
and the more the Japanese see that (especially on
Yahoo and eBay), the higher the prices are going
to go. I'm willing to still pay that and bid high
on stuff , because at this point there isn't much
we can do to solve the problem. And in many ways
it follows the fact that for the past 10 years
anime fans have been doing everything possible to
make anime popular in the USA. With popularity in
an enormous, basically rich culture (compared to
the rest of the world) comes inflation. With
inflation comes higher prices at US cel dealers,
just to make ends meet.
I have a LOT of respect for Heather and her
business, and I'm glad to have her as a friend,
and I hope she doesn't quit the cel business just
because people don't understand her position. :(
Thank you,