Cels Forum

Re: backing boards (Sun May 7 15:47:27 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


Another thing to keep in mind is that if the backing board
isn't the same size as the cel book page that you put it in
(for example, if it's smaller) that page of your cel book
will turn funny and you'll want to watch out for any cels
you might be keeping on the side *opposite* from the cel
with the backing board. If the cel on the opposite side
isn't in line with the backing board too, it chances
getting bent when you turn the page because the backing
board will only be keeping *part* of the page from bending.
The part of the page that is still flexible can now bend at
a 90 degree or more angle at the edge of the backing board,
where if there were no backing board, the page would curve
smoothly when lifted.

I hope that description makes sense. . . I had two cels
that came with backing boards and I used to keep the boards
in my cel book with the cels, but I took them (the boards)
out because of this reason.

Many Sharp Smiles,

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