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CEL BAGS!! Mylar or Polypropylene?? (Sat May 6 19:41:39 2000
) oion |
Hi After no luck searching the commercial cel sites for cel baggies, I decided to do a "general" search and came up with several sites that deal with archival magazine, comics, and other supplies. Bags are bags, doesn't matter where I get them - however, there are three types - polypropylene, polyethylene, and mylar D bags. Anyone know the difference and quality? Mylar D is, according to these sites, the best for museum-quality archiving, but in some descriptions there's the term "pure white" - there are no pictures, usually, so I can't tell if that means it's opaque. Comments would be appreciated - just remove the obvious from my e-mail and shift things right one. Thanks! -Thia |
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