Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: HELP: Does Lori Lane = Cel Scammer? (Sat Mar 4 15:22:30 2000 )

You are correct about the rules.  Unfortunately,
the reality of what people do is quite different.
There are an excessive number of registered
ebay members that are under 18.  And a high
percentage of them are cel buyers.  Usually around
the age of 14.  That is the problem.  And those
are one ones who back out of their cel order/auctions,
knowing they can't be held liable due to their age.
No matter how many claims ebay will make about
"going after" those who do not abide by the rules,
they do not do so.

It is after all, a less than perfect world.

On another cel note, a number of people/under 18
children have been posting cel requests either on 
the Forum or emailing sellers privately.  Apparently,
this is not with the intention of actually buying
the cel, but simply to collect the scans.  Either
with the intention of creating a false gallery, or as my niece (who is still in school) has told me, the idea
being passed is "who needs the cel if you can get the scan".

Nice, isn't it?

So to sellers, please be aware of this.  And to these
children...how does one say this politely...
"Quit it."

Stop playing games.  If you have no intention of buying
a cel, don't email us asking for scans. 

Side note:  To those age 14 or thereabouts who do
not do this, may I say "Thank You" and no insult intended.
We need more like you.  Please clone yourselves at
the earliest possible convenience.

On a happier note....Anyone aquire any really nice cels
they want to share, convention or otherwise?

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