Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: reselling Cels (Wed Jul 21 22:04:17 1999 )

>>Its good that you see that.  Because that is the same
>>thing Melissa is doing.  Getting collectables from >>someplace
>>everyone else can get them, and then reselling them.

I only got all three goddess cels because they were a set.
I also only buy cels to sell know from people in Japan
that I know, places that only sell to people that speak
japanese (which I speak enough of to get by), and from
places where you have to buy wholesale (which means putting
a lot of money up front, site unseen).

>>What makes cels different is that these are all ONE OF A
>>KIND.  If a dealer for toys goes into wal-mart and buys
>>up all the good ones, there is still the possiblitliy of
>>going to antoher store and getting it...or looking on the
>>internet, or going to a show.  But once a cel is bought,
>>thats it...no more exactly alike, if you want it, you have
>>NO CHOICE but to get it from the purchacer at whatever 
>>price they ask.  Its monopolistic, not lassie faire.

True, that cels are one of a kind, but there are plenty of
nice cels out there.  I think my prices on cels are pretty 
fair.  And for any cel a person thinks is priced too high,
I will usually lower the price on the cel.  I have sold a
few cels for lower than what I paid for them, so I don't 
always charge more.  I like to think that I am more than 
fair, and I am sure that people that have bought from me
would agree (atleast I hope :)  )

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