Cels Forum

IPMO's and the mail service....... (Sat Jul 31 11:35:02 1999 )

Has anyone else's local post office STOPPED carrying the International 
Postal Money Orders? Mine switched to a new computer system that for some 
reason doesn't support them - they only have domestic ones now. Believe me, I 
told 3 different clerks and the manager exactly what I thought of this system 
and swore I would never go back there. I haven't, either.....

The post office in the town next to me has them, so I went there and happily 
bought my money order....but Mangaya still hasn't gotten it!!!! ;;;;_;;;;

This really worries me.......I've never had any letter to Japan take longer than 
a week and it's been.....3?...4?......has anyone ever had a letter roam around in the 
mail for a month and actually reach it's destination?

I read the receipt and I can't even FILE for a refund for SIX MONTHS!!!! I don't have 
another $600 (I KNEW it was stupid to spend that much on a piece of painted plastic!) 
and I'm freaking out over the possibility of losing my wonderful cel. :( 

Someone please tell me there's hope....

xane :(

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