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Re: Re: Cel graveyards. . . (Wed Jun 2 04:03:39 2004 )
moonrabitt [View profile ]

YEP! That made me think...
I do have a cel graveyard (with not fancy cels) 
but I just keep it to remember what I had. 
-Sure seeing your cels or sketches in othr sites 
might make you angry, but if they are in a cel 
graveyard, WHY BE ANGRY? Why buy cels if you are 
hidding them, afraid of getting them copied, 
when they can be copied from a screen cap? Than 
if you do scream at someone, you could get sued 
for stating that you own the picture, when the 
producer really own it (can that happen?)... 
--AS long as they mark it as sold, or on 
graveyard, everything should be okay....
---PLUS graveyards help you track down someone 
that may know from what ep. or series a cel is..

     -just a thought....

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